Tattooing is a pictorial decoration technique. Leather becomes an object of artistic expression. The possibilities are vast, choices range from the simplest designs to more complex ones that can have meanings deep.

The number of techniques and styles is very vast; you will never find a professional who can do everything with great skill.


Our goal is to help you create a design that represents your person, personality and character.

For us, tattooing is always totally original, unique and personal; as a work of art should be.

After a simple vis a vis interview and a mutual exchange of ideas, the design can begin, after this step is finished we will obviously move on to the evaluation with the client

Studio Tatuatori Torino

Our study

The studio is presented as a trendy & underground space that reflects our style.

A very quiet environment which leaves a good opportunity to work with concentration and privacy with the client.

Upstairs is a display of works, while it is in the basement that the magic happens. Each artist on the team has his or her own private room.


In our “Turin DOC” tattoo studio ( 🙂 ) you will have the opportunity to imprint directly on your skin your story, your greatest passions and what you love most. We will make the design you want with you through the various styles of our artists-we will make it one of a kind.

Thanks to our professionals; Federico, Alessandro “Peki” and Riccardo you will have the freedom to choose from a variety of styles and possibilities.

Studio Tatuatori Torino


Fabiana MorandoFabiana Morando
11:22 20 Oct 22
Mi ha tatuato Riccardo minieri, che dire… Perfetto! Ha una mano molto leggera, molto attento al dettaglio e giusto coi prezzi. Stradisponibile ad ascoltare il progetto è cambiarlo per assecondare i gusti del cliente. In più riesce a metterti a proprio agio, senza problemi 💁🏻‍♀️
Pietro FaiellaPietro Faiella
21:28 18 Oct 22
Ho richiesto un tatuaggio colorato ed articolato, il risultato è letteralmente perfetto; posto figo e pulito, senza dubbio si vede la passione dei tatuatori, tutti simpatici e molto professionali. Dopo aver fatto la mia prima esperienza a meno uno, posso tranquillamente assicurarne altrettante in futuro, e non mi resta che consigliare questo tattoo shop a tutti come garanzia!
Concita CreaConcita Crea
18:23 29 Sep 22
In questo studio ho fatto il mio primo tatuaggio, l'ambiente è piacevole, accogliente e ti senti subito a tuo agio.Federico ha realizzato il tatuaggio dei miei sogni. È un vero artista! Grazie🤩
Michele ScozzaroMichele Scozzaro
15:48 20 Jul 22
Studio serio, professionale e attento a tutte le prescrizioni sanitarie. Mi ha tatuato Federico Frattianni con estrema precisione e simpatia, caratteristica fondamentale per mettere un cliente a proprio agio.Lo consiglio vivamente.
Caterina ViaraCaterina Viara
09:28 16 Apr 22
Lo studio è estremamente pulito e curato nei minimi dettagli.Federico è stato prima di tutto professionale, disponibile e accogliente. Ho fatto una seduta di più di quattro ore e il risultato finale è stato esattamente quello che volevo! (Anzi, anche meglio)
serena giulianoserena giuliano
15:33 19 Feb 22
Professionali e gentilissimi dalla fase di progettazione alla realizzazione!Lavoro eseguito in modo impeccabile è veramente bello. Esattamente come lo volevo.Ultra disponibili in caso di domande e richieste.
Delia CutrìDelia Cutrì
07:31 11 Feb 22
Mi sono trovata benissimo fin dal primo contatto, gentili e disponibili. Infine il risultato dei tatoo straordinaria, sono rimasta soddisfatta, infatti sono tornata per fare dei piercing e anche in questo caso sono stati fantastici. L’approccio amichevole ti permette di trovarti subito a tuo agio, ma nello stesso tempo sono molto professionali quindi sai di essere in buone mani. Lo consiglio!
Fabio PorporatoFabio Porporato
09:21 11 Dec 21
Lo studio è davvero bello, curato e arredato con personalità e gusto. Alessandro e Federico sono tatuatori con stili differenti ma stessa professionalità e grande competenza. Sono stati molto disponibili in fase di "progettazione" del tatuaggio e molto attenti nella realizzazione. Grande "tocco" entrambi e sensibilità. In un ambiente in cui si trova di tutto si meritano 5 stelle e tutti i complimenti possibili perché lavorano con grandissima attenzione anche ai più piccoli dettagli. Bravi davvero!
Elena FranceschinisElena Franceschinis
14:22 03 Nov 21
Tatuaggio eseguito perfettamente, anche nei minimi particolari. Personale super professionale e simpatico! Mi sono state date le indicazioni da seguire per la cura e la disinfezione del tatuaggio una volta fatto e disponibili in caso di dubbi o problemi. Locali e attrezzature pulite. Ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo. Peccato poter lasciare solo 5 stelle!
Davide PolitoDavide Polito
13:50 03 Nov 21
Fantastici! Federico mi ha aiutato nel realizzare due tatuaggi incredibili, sia nel progetto che nella realizzaziome è stato bravissimo.Molto professionale e che sa mettere a proprio agio i clienti, sembra di essere a casa.Consigliato a tutte le persone che hanno intezione di tatuarsi per la prima volta e a chi cerca un ottimo artista.Sicuramente un posto in cui tornare, pulito e organizzato.Grazie a tutti i ragazzi dello studio Meno Uno.

artist tattoo crew's

Federico Frattianni Tatuatore



A lifelong lover of art and drawing, he attended the Albe Steiner Institute of Advertising Graphics in Turin;

His style is etching (aquafortis) an ancient technique in which a metal plate is etched, which is then sprinkled with ink and consecutively impressed on paper using a press, which allows for mass reproduction.

It has many uses, from reproductions of famous paintings and landscapes to religious themes and depictions of scientific, medical, and fiction books; despite its complexity, it remains an airy, light, and very refined style.


ETCHING (etching)

If the world of tattoos fascinates you, you may have already admired black-and-white works, similar to the ink illustrations often seen in old science books.

This technique does not yet have a well-defined name in Italian, but in English it does: Etching in fact means “etching technique,” literally translated. Formerly used to engrave decorations on weapons, it was later chosen instead to print designs on paper.

Today the term Etching refers to the style in which tattoo subjects can be made. Lines, crosses and hatching to make figures and shadows are what characterize this particular style of tattooing in Turin: true masterpieces made directly on the skin!

Thanks to this technique, any subject can be made: objects, flowers, animals but also human figures. There are no limits; in fact, thanks to its classic and well-defined appearance, it is perfect for making heads, skulls, half-busts if not ancient deities.


"A tear contains an ocean. A photographer is aware of the tiny moments in a persons life that reveal greater truths."

"Once you learn to care, you can record images with your mind or on film. There is no difference between the two."

Peky Tatuatore



He is attracted from a young age to street art and all that this art wants to express by familiarizing himself with cans and stencils influenced by artists such as Banksy;

His style is blackwork that mixes different techniques for expressive purposes, trying to communicate an impactful result both visually and emotionally. The result is cross-cutting and experimental compositions that may include, for example, geometric patterns, large dense brush strokes, faces and hands in a dynamic and structured overlay.



New style of Tattooing born only in the mid-2000s. Created by Volko Merschky and Simone Pfaff in Germany. It departs strongly from the already known styles such as New School and traditional. We can define it as the union of all these styles but with a new interpretation giving rise to new depictions from the

The basis of this style is the realistic style, however, combined with different decorative elements: for example, lettering, straight lines, paint spots, brush passes but also portraits made with outline only. The themes may be different, mostly animals and human skulls; but that does not mean it cannot be reworked with the subject you wish to imprint on your skin. Another great feature is the use of colors; in fact, red and black are the only colors used. The latter acts as a counterpoint bringing to life the details and supporting elements, while black is devoted only to the structure and more realistic subjects.

The greatest feature of this style of tattoos is undoubtedly the realism: so impactful that it will leave anyone who admires these works of art speechless! The precision and attention to every single detail makes this style adaptable to any request, customizable and above all unique to each person. Visual impact is its greatest characteristic, as well as one of the reasons why “Peki” specialized in this particular technique.


The Realist style of a tattoo indicates an artistic technique where the subject is made just as it is in reality, almost as if it were a photograph or three-dimensional object.

The highlight of this one is the richness of details thus making the end result perfect in every way, just like in reality. The main subjects are faces, landscapes, animals but also objects: whatever you want to achieve on your skin is possible thanks to the realist style.

There is no doubt about its complexity, however, this makes it one of the most fascinating especially because of the great skills of the tattoo artist who makes it. Often to achieve the best result, several layers of color will be needed so as to represent every shade and contrast achieving a dynamic and always truthful 3D effect.

Choosing the person to whom you entrust your realist tattoo is not easy. As mentioned just now, great skills are needed, but above all a lot of experience as well as listening and understanding the client and his or her desire. Take a face as an example: what should the facial expression be? Or the reflection of the eyes if not even small details on the skin of the depicted subject.

Nothing is left to chance: every detail is important to the final result.


The term Dotwork is perhaps not among the best known for those approaching the world of tattoos for the first time. This term does not refer to a specific style, but more to a technique that can be used in many artistic genres. In fact, by the words DotWork we refer to “pointillism,” which is the creation of an image with the help of dots placed side by side.

Pointillism developed in France around 1885 and is a very complex technique. The artist through the use of dots is able to create a variety of images: but to do so requires patience and, above all, extreme precision. In fact, to make the result perfect, it is necessary that every single dot be placed in the right place, without any margin for error, otherwise the final result will suffer.

The most popular colors used for these tattoos are black or gray. However, nothing prohibits adding some colors, such as red, to create sharp contrasts with the image being created on the skin. This is especially used by artists who favor the style of realism, so as to give greater depth and make the 3D effect even more striking.

Over the years, “Peki” has been able to combine these two techniques so as to create true works of art tailored to the client’s needs. All ideas are carefully listened to by the artist so as to adapt them to his or her style, thanks to this technique, creating a unique and inimitable tattoo just and exclusively for you.


Studio Tattoo
Studio Tatuatore
Studio Tatuatore Torino

"A tear contains an ocean. A photographer is aware of the tiny moments in a persons life that reveal greater truths."

"Once you learn to care, you can record images with your mind or on film. There is no difference between the two."

TrashPolka Tattoo
Resilienza tattoo
Peki Tattoo
Ric Tatuatore



He began as a self-taught artist and over time took courses in drawing and painting to which he was always attracted;

Its style is neotraditional (stylistic evolution of traditional or traditional tattooing), which, unlike its predecessor, is characterized by greater dynamism and freedom in both the choice of subjects and the use of colors. For this very reason, neotraditional, while remaining a style with a clearly discernible identity in its characteristics, boasts artists who propose very different things.



The style that Riccardo uses to create tattoos in Turin is Neo Traditional: this originates from the Old School technique and is still the most popular among young people.

The term comes from the need to further grow the style through changes not only on the subjects depicted, but in the style used. The sharp outlines recall the original style, modified, however, through shades and colors: these are able to make the design even deeper by enhancing the idea developed by the client and the tattoo artist.

The colors are less garish, e.g., dark green, amaranth, and black. The most frequently used subjects evoke nature (such as wolves and birds), but also women from seers’ features. The aim of the style is to recall Old School by adding more depth to the image, often giving it an almost Gothic look.

The end result will be rich in detail but still refined, a perfect balance between realism and tradition.


"A tear contains an ocean. A photographer is aware of the tiny moments in a persons life that reveal greater truths."

"Once you learn to care, you can record images with your mind or on film. There is no difference between the two."




The philosophical encyclopedia defines Surrealism as, “S. is based on the idea of a higher degree of reality connected with certain hitherto neglected forms of association, on the omnipotence of dreams, on the disinterested play of thought.”

Thanks to surrealist tattooing, it is possible to play with any shape you can think of: body parts, animals, objects, electronic devices and natural elements.

Surrealist tattooing allows you to create a unique work for each client, the moment you etch the skin that element will belong solely and uniquely to that person. You can combine any element thus portraying memories, dreams, experiences and objects of special significance into a unique figure made just for you.

Tatuatori Torino
Surrealismo Torino

The Photos here are an emblematic example of our style that blends our personal passions with the unequivocal surrealist style.

The top photo is an example of Medieval Etching (strong water) by Federico Frattoianni; while the second one on the right is an example of Pointillism and Trash Polka by our own Peki.

Styles fused with surrealist elements go to create a unique style .

To enter as a draughtsman of Studio Meno Uno the imperative is to be excellent draughtsmen and creators of unique Works.

We are specialists in BlackWork and NeoTraditional Art.

Uniting us, in addition to our mutual respect for each other’s professionalism, is our shared passion for Surrealism

Every Studio Artist, though not a specialist in black work, has a “surrealist streak” in them